Lucas Santos

Lucas works as Cloud Advocate at Microsoft. Technology lover and, since 2011, works with highly available and scalable applications. Loves to teach and learn, writer of "Kubernetes: Everything you need to know about container orchestration". Named as Microsoft Most Valued Professional, Docker Captain, and as Google Developer Expert. Member & Contributor to the Node.js Foundation, TypeScript language, and KEDA project. Acts as technical author at iMasters hub, one of the biggest Brazilian tech websites. Also is one of the core members of several awesome communities such as: NodeBR, JSSP, VueJs SP, Typescript BR, NodeSchool SP, TrainingCenter and ABCDev. Homebrewer in the free time, loves music and games! Always seeking the unknown and believes the impossible is just lack of trying.

São Paulo, Brazil

My Projects

GitHub repositories that I've built.

GraphQL query utility for serverside apps
TypeScript 336 20
:memo: Just a repo with my study notes. A simple notebook
JavaScript 203 29
Email microservice writen in Node.js
Code sources for my promises talk
JavaScript 33 24
Repositório com os códigos fonte utilizados no meu livro sobre Kubernetes publicado pela @casadocodigo
JavaScript 32 5
The Node.js SDK for @thepracticaldev
TypeScript 29 3

My Interests

Topics that I want to learn more about.